What makes Topdrive Drillers different from the rest. We can provide a tailored equipment suite, suited to your requirements and where the guy who owns the business runs the business so you can get decisions and advice directly without delay unlike the much larger companies.
Diamond Drilling
Topdrive drillers SPECALISE in Diamond drilling and sport a diverse range of diamond rigs to offer our clients many options to suit their requirements.
From small foot print drilling rigs suited to tight access hilly terrain or environmentally sensitive areas to the larger deep holes with directional drilling requirements with wedging, (Navi) down the hole motor directional drilling, to the depths in excessive of 3,000m.
Backed with high quality trained staff and a management team.
TDA diamond drilling range of capabilities offer
1. NQ2, HQ, HQ3, PQ and PQ3 triple tube coring to depths of 3,000m
2. Coring from surface and mud rotary
3. Geotechnical coring in difficult ground conditions
4. Directional controlled drilling options and experience second to none
5. Multiple intersection holes
6. Small foot print environmentally sensitive capabilities with Low impact drilling
Professional attitude towards getting the job done safely at all levels
Reverse Circulation Drilling
The deep Reverse Circulation capability is here. Topdrive has now added to the fleet, with the correct equipment to ensure we remain ahead of the game and have all safety features considered for this rig suite is online and been drilling in the field for over 12 months now.
In recent times we have utilized our Multipurpose rig for Reverse Circulation, with the high demand for RC drilling and the ability to help our key clients we have moved this rig to a full scale RC rig with drilling capabilities reaching 400m, this package is backed up with 2,400cfm @ 1,000psi and allows efficient drilling to reduce costs and improves sample quality when intercepting water at depth.
Our RC team has a combined experience of more than 50 years so this is no disadvantage to our clients as the level of experience of our team is consistent with the high quality driller we have in the diamond drilling also.