Topdrive Drillers Australia provide contract Diamond Drilling and RC services to the Mining and Minerals Industry in Australia.
Lead by Managing Director Marchus Harris. Our experienced team of drillers and technicians have all the skills required to operate an efficient operation anywhere in remote Australia.
Topdrive Drillers Australia, specialize in Diamond Drilling and RC drilling services to the Mining and Minerals Industry in Australia. Core recovery, sample presentation and quality control are major priorities. Topdrive Drillers Australia use only the very best equipment to achieve top quality samples and service. Topdrive Drillers Australia can undertake PQ, HQ, NQ and triple tube diamond drilling, also offer services in mud rotary, reverse circulation and wedging or directional control to depths of 3,500m.
What makes Topdrive drillers different from the rest.
We provide a tailored equipment suite, suited to your requirements and where the guy who owns the business runs the business so you can get decisions and advice directly without delay unlike the much larger companies.
Topdrive drillers Australia’s intimate team boasts over 125 years combined field and management experience, today Topdrive Drillers Australia are providing contract RC and Diamond Drilling services to the Mining and Minerals Industry in Australia. Experience ranges from the remote desert drilling operations to mine site geotechnical and directional resource drill outs.
TDA’S main priority is to ensure the best possible quality and cost efficient outcomes for all our customers. Core recovery and Sample presentation are major priorities. Topdrive use only the very best equipment to achieve top quality core samples in a safe productive manner. Topdrive Drillers can undertake PQ, HQ, and NQ drilling, also offering services in mud rotary, large diameter coring and wedging or directional work along with early pass Diamond and Reverse Circulation drilling.
Boasting a complete set of support equipment, Topdrive Drillers ensures that all remote drilling sites are completely self-sufficient. Their extensive list of support equipment includes mobile workshops, support trucks and a fully-equipped site office/lighting towers backed with experienced management and field staff.
Topdrive Drillers are committed to providing a safe, environmentally conscious service to their valued clients.

Topdrive Drillers Australia has a “Zero Harm” culture, and makes the safety of all staff, clients and contractors an absolute priority. By ensuring that safety always put above production, Topdrive Drillers encourages all parties involved to operate in a safe and responsible manner, respecting each other as well as the environment.
All employees understand that working safely and reporting any incidents form part of Topdrive Drillers Australia’s safety culture. All new materials, products and equipment are assessed in terms of risk factors to health, safety and environment. Management creates the safest possible environment by implementing training and procedures to prevent risks and injuries, complying with all OHS legislation and creating and maintaining safe working practices and back all our field staff 100% to ensuring they return home safe.